The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Florida Trip May 29-June 5

We celebrated our 30th birthdays in Daytona Beach, Florida. We had a great time playing in the ocean, swimming in the pool, and reading books on the lounge chairs. Matt & I got up to 53 turns back and fourth playing paddle ball. Greta won the first round of mini golf, while Matt won the other two! The weather was hot! Greta got a sun rash the last few days. We saw a bunch of wild life from dolphins, turtles, different types of birds and lizards. We got to hang out with our friends Adam, Liz, John, Vet, and Ty. We returned home in 30's and a new house filled with boxes to unpack!


Welcome to Matt & Greta's Blog. The purpose is to keep you inform about all the changes that have been going on with our family.