The Powell's

The Powell's

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Maddie & Max

Maddie giving her new baby brother Max a kiss for the first time. Max was born Saturday Nov 27th right before half time of the OSU vs Michigan Football game.
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Maddie alone on Thanksgiving

Maddie the first one at the Thanksgiving dinner table while everyone else is still watching the OSU football game
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Pregos at Thanksgiving

Michelle I at an early Thanksgiving on Nov 20th just incase one of us goes into labor on Thanksgiving
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Monday, November 29, 2010


today i had an ultrasound because the doctor was concern about the baby size. everything seems to be fine. the baby has the right a out of fluid, it weighs 6.5 pounds, and the heart rate is 143. i go for my 38 week check up tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

week 37

matt and i cook our first thanksgiving meal this past saturday. all our food actually turned out to be good. with all the left over stuffing and gravy, my blood pressure was a little high. i am dilated 2 1/2 cm and 75 effaced. i assume my baby will be born before dec 15. the baby is measuring small again this week, so i will have an ultrasound monday afternoon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

week 36

I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. Measuring 35 1/2 weeks. Heart rate 144. I have been feeling good overall. My work had a shower for me with all my favorite foods and we got our diaper champ.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

guess at family shower

Thanks for everyone for coming to my family shower. Everyone was so generous!
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Family Shower gifts

Some of the many nice gifts we received from my family shower last Saturday
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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 34

The baby is finally off my sciatic nerve, but moved on to my bladder. I am measuring right where I am suppose to be. I am one cm dilated! So I guess there is no turning back now. It was exciting news to hear, but I know I still have a while to go. Plus, my parents are going to the Smokey Mountains, so the baby has to stay in for another 2 weeks. I am looking forward to my family baby shower today. Matt & I finished our birthing classes. Matt is very happy he is done with those. I also took a breast feeding class this week which was more helpful to me than the birthing classes.


The glider that all my aunts gave me for my shower!
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