The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, November 21, 2011

11 Months

Annabelle is now crawling and pulling herself up to stand on small furniture/toys. She hasn't figure out how to back down to the ground from a standing position. She is enjoying her new freedom! She is able to temporally stop when told no and smiles when mommy says "more". She has a small tantrum when mommy tries to dress her. Her favorite toys are balls (mouthing, throwing, putting them in and out of things, rolling, and putting them into daddy's mouth) and hugging stuff animals. She learned to like avocados and in general has not shown to be a picky eater yet. She is know accepting yogurt and applesauce from a spoon, but still wants the spoon to herself. She always wants what other people are eating. She is starting to drink a little formula from her sippy cups, but prefers water in her sippy cups. One of her front teeth is finally breaking through! Her new favorite song is Patty cake. Overall is happy little 11 month old girl! Don't forget to vote for the sex of baby #2. We will find out Dec 12th!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

flower bows

Mommy brought lots of flower bows at craft shows the past few weeks!
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new friend polar bear

I have a new friend that makes me laugh and smile. I look so cute when I try to hug it
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11 months 1 week

I'm on the go
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looking for new places

Oh the places we find Annabelle now
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Monday, November 14, 2011

11 months on 11-11-11

I turned 11 months on 11-11-11. Here is my monthly photo with the bear chair

crawling now

I learned how to crawl 6 days before I turned 11 months old.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

I like playing in laundry baskets