The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, March 26, 2012

Go Big Blue

Annabelle ready for the UK game!
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Friday, March 16, 2012

15 months

Annabelle weighs 22.1 lbs and is the 40%.  She is 31 inches long and is in the 70%.  She is now walking without our help.  She says about 10 words and understands a lot.  Her newest word is Hello as she talks on a pretend phone.  She as 5 teeth.  She got her first double ear infection this month and her first rash that was all over her body.  The doctor thinks it was either from the Ammoncillion or a week of virus.  With the weather being so nice, she loves her walks with Daddy when he comes home.  She is able to walk to 2 houses before she needs a break. 

Mommy is 36 1/2 weeks pregnant.  The baby's head is down and Mommy is 1 1/2 cm dialated.  Overall, Mommy is feeling good.  Mommy is just working on trying to get everything ready for the baby as time is running out.