The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, July 30, 2012

Brandy Wine Falls

 One of Annabelle & Daddy's favorite thing to do is walk and climb all the stairs at Brady Wine Falls.

I do see the Waterfall

Look at that water, Daddy!

upclose with claire

Hi everyone

crazy shoes and football

If it was up to Annabelle she would leave the house like this

claire 4 months

Claire is 4 months and loves eating her hands.  She also spends her time sleeping, eating, smiling, and cooing.    She weights 13.11 pounds and is 24 1/2 inches tall. She is 50% for weight and head.  She is 60% for height.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

bibs are super fun

Annabelle wanted to be like Claire.  So she wore baby bibs all day long!  Matter of fact, she wanted two of them on her.

Wiping the baby doll

19 months picture

19 months and 1 week

Annabelle 19 months

Annabelle loves being a big sister!  She is always pointing to her and saying "Sissy"  She tells her "night-night"                  She likes to kiss Claire's feet to get the reaction of getting kick because Annabelle laughs when this happens.  She finally is able to buckle together straps on car seats and strollers.  This is a major accomplishment in Annabelle's world because she's been practicing it for over a month.  She is able to walk down the steps by holding onto the wall.  Her favorite words are bye-bye, shoes, Hi (to Claire), outside, blueberries, sissy, pop (Popsicle).  She prefers to eat with spoons and forks instead of her fingers. She tried a little bit of a hamburger.  She ate one chicken nugget when she dipped it in ketchup.   She added a few months steps to her baby play this month by putting the baby in her high chair and also trying to put shoes on her baby.  She is continuing to use wipes to change her baby's diaper.  That's been a pain!!  Annabelle says "clean up" and then "all done" when she is done eating as she puts all her left over food in the cup holder.  However if we don't take it quick enough then she will give it to Chaz.  One of her biggest events of the month was going to the soap box derby with Daddy.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Claire on 7-7-11

Claire on Annabelle's Elmo chair

Finally time with Daddy

Daddy was busy cleaning up the yard after the storm, but finally on Sunday the kids got to hang out with him

Playing sleep with Daddy.  Daddy wishes they can really take a nap

4th hail storm

Hail next to the camera lens

 Handful of hail that we easily pick up
Hail after the storm.  Hail that was on the side of our house, was still there the next morning even after the warm night

Hail the size of keys.  We have hail damage in 3 sections of our roof, the front & side siding, one broken window, damage our shed, grill, and railings of our deck!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Claire on the 4th

Claire found her thumb this past week

 Blue eye girl
 July 4th Dress

July 4

 Happy 4th of July

Hi Five Claire!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Zoo pictures

Pointing and looking at all the fun animals at the Akron Zoo on Father's Day (yes, I'm a little behind)

3 months old

A kiss for your 3 month birthday

Claire is 3 months old.  She likes to smile and does not stop cooing once when she starts!  


Early morning!  Must drink my coffee from the pot

Playing with Baby Claire

Giving her a toy baby bottle

Joining her as she play on her activity mat

Playing Pat-a-cake

Joining her on the Teddy Bear chaire and covering with a blanket