The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, August 25, 2012

daddy and girls

Daddy's favorite girls


Annabelle doing pat-a-cake with her dolls, while Mommy is doing pat-a-cake with Claire

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Football season

The house is getting ready for Football season

Claire ladybug outfit

My little ladybug

Brandy Wine Falls

Annabelle loved stopping and looking down towards the Falls from the fence.  It was just the right size to see   out for her.  She liked pointing and saying, "waterfall" 

This is what I look like constantly when both girls need to be picked up

All about Daddy shirts

The girls are wearing their rainbow "All about Daddy" pj's

Annabelle drums

Annabelle likes playing with her drums that Abbie gave her

Sunday, August 12, 2012

20 months

This was my first attempt at pigtails which was extremely hard to do.  Also it's getting harder to take pictures in the bear chair because she wants to go play!

 We had our first fever ever.  It reach 101.7 and it turned out to be the hand foot and mouth virus.  It was very hard for Annabelle to eat and sleep.  She only got a few sores around her ankles and wrist.  The doctor said there were some in her mouth, in addition to the swelling from her molers.  She barely got the rash.
She is starting to combine 2 words.  Some of her favorite phrases are "sit down" "up, Mommy".  Other favorite words are popsicles, moon, snack, bye-bye, sissy, eyes, feet, and outside

She has 12 teeth (I think).  She is starting to jump off the ground (barely).  She liked to imitate the divers in the Olympics.  She is starting to throw things and look at you when she is mad.  Other than that, she is a busy, silly toddler 

Playdate with Calliope

Last playdate with Calliope before she moves down to the Carolina's

Splashing is so fun much

Look airplane!

Butterfly outfit

The same outfit Annabelle wore at 8 months, Claire is wearing at 4 1/2 months.  

Annabelle 8 months