The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Annabelle always wants to hold her sister, but as soon as Claire starts to cry, she lets go immediately 

Hanging out on a Saturday morning

flower child

Annabelle wanted to wear all her flower clips in her hair

visit to pumpkin patch

Annabelle loved getting buried in the corn pool

Annabelle really wanted to go for a train ride but it wasn't up and running, so she just sat in it

I love pumpkins.  At the beginning of the week, she was calling pumpkins "balls" but after the trip to the pumpkin patch, she learned the correct term

Sunday, September 23, 2012

21 months

Annabelle has a mind of her own at 21 months.  She is trying to put her own thoughts into words by saying new phrases that Mommy or Daddy hasn't really model for her. If you don't understand her, she tries really hard to get you too by saying the same thing over again or by pointing with her "words."  She jabbers in long phrases when she is playing by herself but know one can really understand those sentences except for her.  She loves to sing pat-a-cake to mommy or sissy.  she sings the tune of twinkle twinkle little star, but who knows what words she puts with it.  Her favorite command to tell people is "sit down" and if you don't listen she will add your name to the end of the phrase.  It looks like she has all her teeth but 4of them.  She is still in 18 month clothes, but is starting to wear 24 months just for a new variety of clothes.  She is still getting up in the middle of the night and sometimes it is due to Claire because when I go in her room after I visit Claire she is standing up saying, "Sissy" and pointing towards the door.  She's been tripping a lot because i think she is running too fast for her little feet to handle.  She likes to push the stroller down the street instead of riding in it.  She has peed in the potty twice and poop once.  All those times, she initiated by saying "potty or poop" or by putting her baby doll on the potty.  Mommy is not really ready to put all the effort into potty training just yet.  She justs wants it to be as stress free as possible.  It's always a happy clap whether she poops/pees in her diaper or the potty!  Of course she gets a lot more claps if it happens on the potty.  Annabelle is playing more and more with her fisher price farm and zoo animals.  Her favorite is still her baby dolls.  She likes the trains at the sitter or the library.  She is very aware of the sound of trains at our house by saying "choo choo" when she hears one.  She tries to look for it.  She always wants to drink juice and has become a picky eater.   It's now becoming the norm if she only eats a few bits at meal time.  Oh well, she is still growing!


Our snotty girls with the common cold just laying around

Rainbow dresses

The bumbo chair is an easy place to capture pictures!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Big ball play

having fun with the exercise ball

Cute similar outfits

Thanks to the Monacelli family for the cute outfits 

Claire's new places

Claire in the bumbo chair

I like my exasaucer! Annabelle can't get in my seat!

first time painting

Annabelle helped mommy paint a few plates for preschool!  she loved it and was cover with paint all over after painting 15 paper plates.  she needed to go straight to the tub.  These pictures were taken within the first minute of painting.

more baby play

everything Annabelle experiences or she sees claire does, her baby has to do it!
feeding the baby some real food

playing pat-a-cake

putting the baby in the exasaucer

putting bunny and baby on the potty

putting baby in the bumbo chair

first poop on the potty

Annabelle's first poop on the potty.  She laugh so much because they were the poops that made farting noises as they came out.

yucky baby cereal

5 months

Claire tried baby food for her 5th month birthday.  After a week, we decided to give food a break because she just kept the food in her mouth until it drool out.  She likes to smile at her family and turn her head to their voices.  We are still struggling to sleep through the night.  One day we will get there1