The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

7 months

Claire is 7 months!
She likes to babble and bring toys to her mouth!  She loves watching her big sister run around.  I feel she is a little behind in all areas except for language, but really not that far behind.  She can sit up leaning against something but not on her own yet.  She likes probably 1 out of 3 baby foods.  She loves bananas and sweet potatoes.  She finally slept through the night completely from 7pm to 7am last night.  Typically she wakes up at least once (ether at 10:30pm or 1am or 3:30am) and screams bloody murder. She is starting to cry when Mommy leaves the room.  

browns win

We had a fun time watching the Browns win with our Florida friends, Adam & Liz

Sunday, October 28, 2012

trick or treat

Annabelle loved the suckers she got from the 2 houses she went to.
Cousin Ethan, Claire, and Annabelle

Bee and Ladybug

warm weather

With the warm weather this week, Claire finally got to wear some of her summer 6 month clothes

Matching capris

pumpkin party

The pumpkin family: Carl, Emma & Claire

Carving pumpkins is fun with the big girls

Annabelle liked watching and pumpkin the guts in the pot

The final product of our pumpkin party

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Browns Won

 Big smiles for the Browns first win of the season.  Annabelle finally started to say "woof woof" when we do the "Here we go Brownies"

claire 6 months

Claire is now 6 months.  She weights 15.6 lbs.  She has 2 bottom teeth.  She likes to coo and smile at her family.  She will finally now sleep from 7pm to 5:30 or so and then go back to sleep for another 1 hour or so.                  At 6 months 1 week, she finally understood to swallow her baby food consistently.  We tried several times at 5 months and she just couldn't get the hang of it.  She likes rice cereal, bananas, and sweet potatoes.  She likes bath time!