The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, August 12, 2010

21 1/2 week ultrasound

Matt & I went for an ultrasound on August 9th. All the measurements were good. The baby weighs one pound. She first showed us the face. Matt had a hard time seeing it. She took the top picture for us. The baby's hands are curled up next to his/her cheek. She showed us part of one foot that was kicking like crazy. That was our favorite part! She showed us the spine which is all intact. Lastly, we saw the forearm which is the picture below. Having the 8 minute ultrasound made it feel so real! Right when I layed down, I told her we did not want to find out the baby's gender! I did not see any private parts. It will still be a surprise around Dec 15th
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  1. Yeah for baby growing!!!!!! Your baby is a one pounder!!!

  2. Greta,
    I am so excited for you:) I love this blog and your creativity with how you welcome & celebrate the wonder of each experience. The pregnancy journal for your baby's utero experiences made me smile and the cravings were so much fun for me to read. This is such an important time for you. Thanks for inviting me here.
    Love & light from Rootstown,
    Jennifer Clevenger
