The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Starting week 23

Today is Matt & I third wedding anniversary! We are planning on going to the Road House for dinner. I can't wait for the yummy rolls. Although I feel indifferent about steak in my pregnancy, which normally I look forward to if I wasn't pregnant. It is also the start of week 23. With the start of preseason football, it's appropriate to say that the size the baby is one week away from being the size of a football (hopefully the kind of football where Jake Delhomme will throw to the end zone for a completed pass). Other pregnancy effects that are occurring is acid reflux and charlie horses. Tums is helping and the old wives tale of putting a soft pillow at the heels of my feet to prevent legs from stretching too far to prevent the charlie horses. The baby is waking me up more often in the middle of the night, but luckily I am able to fall back asleep better quickly.

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