The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, August 27, 2010

week 24 appointment

I am thinking that this baby is going to be a one in the morning feeder. The baby has been constantly waking me up at this time. Unfortunately, I've been having a hard time getting back to bed. Tuesday night I didn't fall back to sleep until 5 in the morning. Gotta love it. I didn't have the best 24 week appointment. The doctor express his concern of the recent weight gain of 7 pounds in a month. Mommy going to have to take a closer look at the extra hidden carbs and force herself to eat more veggies. They are going to test the pee a little bit further for any infections. Mommy has to go back in 2 weeks to also make sure her cervix is fine due to family history. The doctor is optimistic about that part. On a positive note, my wonderful husband surprise me with a gift certificate and a set appointment to get my hair highlighted and cut and a pedicure. He didn't even know I was having a bad day! Perfect timing for him.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is going swimmingly.. ..even though the new pregnancy symptoms are no fun! I think it's God's way of preparing you for the sleepless nights ahead :)
    Don't worry about the weight gain, I went through a "growth spurt" around the same time! I ended up losing towards the end, I was so uncomfortable I didn't want to eat!! It'll all balance out :)
    I can't wait to meet baby Powell!!!!
