The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat

We had our first Trick or Treat at our new house on Thursday night. It was cold passing out candy. What was weird was that our neighbors were all in their drive way to pass out candy. Of course we just followed what they were doing. That was new, but maybe that's what happens when you live on a dead-end street to get trick or treater to come to your door. We ran out of candy 15 minutes before it ended. Above are our pumpkins were carved. This year I tried a stencil drawing without reading the directions. It would have been much easier if I had. It's suppose to be a bat. Matt's is just a face. I think it looks like Shriek.
While we had trick or treaters, Matt and I came up with a list of "You know you are too old to be trick or treating when...
1) You have leg hair or boobs
2) You have a lame costume that you just threw together and no one can tell what you are
3) You are very unenthusiastic when you say "Trick or Treat" or "Thank You"
4) You are trick or treating alone because all your friends are home passing out candy
5) You and your girlfriend/boyfriend are dressed up as a couple theme
We witness it all. If I think of anymore I'll keep you posted.
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