The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 31

My sciatic nerve is still in pain, but the doctor showed my some exercise to help with it and also wrote a script for prenatal massage. I passed the sugar test. I am measuring right where I should be. The heart rate was 147.
Yesterday I felt really dizzy (room spinning and everything) when I woke up. I think I may be experiencing Braxton Hicks. The charlie horses came back too this week.
Thanks to Katie & Beth for getting me fried pickles from Delanie's today. Amy also made me delicious vegetable soup and spaghetti and meatballs. My co-workers are already taking care of me and the baby. They are my WBTPW this week!
This past weekend the baby got to go BW's in Kent where mommy hung out a lot during college. The baby also ate at Rays and hear some of my sorority sister's voices.
Matt somehow hurt his neck and his on some serious pain meds. We hope he feels better soon! He's not sure what he did wrong, but woke up in pain and couldn't move his neck and shoulder. He is taking some PT for the next couple of weeks in addition to his meds. Daddy needs to get better before the baby comes!
I have been trying to stretch more this week. Matt and I attended our first baby birthing class.


  1. 31 weeks! Can you believe Molly came into the world in the next 2 weeks!???? Crazy when I look at you to think! I had to say too.... the bathtub you registered is AWESOME! I replaced the one I had with this one and it has been GREAT! Wish I would have started with the white EuroBath from the start! Good Choice!

  2. SO this is where the info is, not FB...
    I vote for Annabelle, Anna was my girl name all 3 times, and the name is kinda symmetrical:)
    Anything in particular you want for lunch this week?
