The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Susy and Annabelle

Susy and Annabelle
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Santa dress

Thanks Mary for the pretty dress
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exercise fun

Maddie, Annabelle, and Matt all bouncing on the balll together
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Gilbride's Grandchildren

Gilbride's Grandchildren
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baby under tree

Look a baby under the tree at my parents house
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Chaz and Annabelle

Chaz is slowly taking a liking to her. This is as close as he got so far!
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2 week picture with bear

Annabelle two weeks old on Christmas

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She can go from screaming bloody murder to being content in less than 3 seconds in daddy bounces her on the exercise ball
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Annabelle's first bottle
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Visit from Amy

Amy came to see me today. She gave mommy some good tips to help soothe me!
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Santa's Favorite

I saw Santa today. I looked so little in his arms
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What is mommy thinking leaving my dress like this with my foot out, buttons are mismatch and I can't find my arm in my sleeve!
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First playdate

Annabelle's first playdate with mommy's highschool friends and their little ones! Annabelle mostly slept or cried through it, but it's a start to great friendship!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rare alert time

I'm awake!
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cousins and their mommy

I think we are holding the wrong child???
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3 cousins

Maddie is going to be such a great older cousin!
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meeting cousin Max

Hard to believe Max is two weeks older than Annabelle! He was so wide awake as Annabelle slept the whole visit
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cousin maddie

Cousin Maddie meeting Annabelle for the first time yesterday!
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new friends for Annabelle

Some friends that came to visit Annabelle
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hospital vistors

Visitors at the hospital
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Catch me if you can on camera with my eye open while on the swing because I prefer to sleep in it!

So big

I am as big as the flowers that Matt's work sent us!

I love to sleep

Sleeping is my favorite thing to my first week of life!

perfect place to sleep

First night home and sleeping on mommy

youngest brown fan on dec 12

She slept for most of the game, but she was all geared up like a true fan

All clean right after coming out of the birth canel

Annabelle getting all cleaned up

Proud Dad

Daddy holding Annabelle for the first time!

Monday, December 13, 2010

its a girl

annabelle grace was born at 1:33am on saturday dec 11th. she weighed 6.5 pounds and is 19 inches long. everyone got home sunday night before the big snow storm. i will try to post pictures when i can.

Friday, December 10, 2010

baby will be here

Epiderals are great. Dilated 5 cm when I arrived
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

39 week appt

4 cm and doctor spent some time up there getting things going. It hurt when he touch the amino sack for a few seconds.
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 38

Signs are pointing that the baby will be coming shortly. There is a baby poll at work for guessing the day, so good luck everyone! It made me laugh that I automatically get the money if it comes the last week in December. I am pretty confident that chances are slim for me winning. My mucus plug came out last night and my contractions are getting more intense and I am peeing quite frequently. I felt what "uncomfortable" means on Wed night. However, it's been tolerable since. My guess for the baby being born is next Thursday evening (Dec 9th) or Friday (Dec 10th) because the children will be done with preschool. However, if the baby has my husband's personality I am sure it will come on a Sunday when the Browns are playing.