The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jan 18 "Firsts"

Jan 18th: We had a few "firsts" today. She met her friend Molly for the first time. The most exciting one was that she smiled at me for the first time. My friend Maggie was right there to celebrate it with me! She gave two big smiles right in a row at me! She rolled from her back to her side with the help of the boppy. I wasn't expecting that one! We went grocery shopping at Giant Eagle today. She slept in the Moby wrap up until I finished paying for the groceries. It was a good trip except I completely forgot to bring my coupons and it took a while to get the groceries into the house. Good thing it's winter!

1 comment:

  1. WHOOO HOOOO on first smiles! I feel so honored to have seen it!!! AND THAT roll over was so funny! She was so laid back about it, barely opening those eyes! SOOO cutE!!!!
