The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, January 10, 2011

One Month Old

Annabelle is one month old already. Time sure does fly quickly. She is still wearing her newborn clothes. Here are a few things about Annabelle so far in her first month of life
Things she loves
  • Mommy's milk
  • Bouncing on the exercise ball with Daddy
  • Sleeping
  • Cuddling with mom or Grandma
  • Being swaddle, especially with the Miracle Swaddle Blanket
  • Pacifier, but she is still figuring out how to keep it in her mouth
  • Going around Tallmadge circle or sharp turns in the car. Otherwise she is screaming in the car unless mommy got her in the carseat while in a deep sleep.
Things she hates
  • Bath Time
  • Getting her diaper/clothes changed
  • Being Naked
Places she's been
  • Babies R Us
  • Target
  • Jen & Todd's house for Browns games
  • Matt & Rachel's house
  • Jaime & Erin for New Year's Eve Party
  • Open Practice Solutions (Matt's work)
  • Both Grandparents House
  • Breast Feeding Center
  • City Hospital (Birth & Breast Feeding Support Group)
  • Cold Stone Creamery
Things she needs to work on
  • Latching on (Being a little tongue tied & having extra skin inside upper lip makes it a challenge for her. Also mom doesn't help by accepting poor latching on because she to is frustrated!)
  • Waking herself up to eat
  • Not falling asleep at the boob
  • Predictable schedule (we are getting there)

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