The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, January 16, 2011

week 5

Things are now turning the corner and getting easier. My breasts are hurting less and less. I haven't felt the baby blues in a while. Annabelle is starting to visually focus mom and dad's face. When she wakes up, she will really focus on my face for a few seconds before attempting to scream for boobs. We also notice walking up and down stairs helps her calm down, too. She gives us our New Year's Resolution of working out! Annabelle takes good morning naps, but afternoon naps are hit and miss. Mommy is staring to attempt to cook family meals. Although my first attempt took 3 hours just to prep the food to make chicken enchiladas. Then mommy got smart and started using the moby wrap to cook with if Annabelle is fussy or refuses to go for a nap. We also had 2 successful bath times with very little screaming!

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