The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mat play

Annabelle enjoys playing with her mat more and more everyday! She is starting to open her hand to hold things; however mommy has to help her reach for accuracy!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! So sorry she is so sad!!!
    For us, Zantac took some time to kick in, if I remember correctly... 3+ days I want to say... once it kicked in, I noticed a difference for 2-4 weeks and then when she gained weight, she would get worse. I guess the weight / dosage is really sensitive, so don't hesitate to call the DOC to check on dosage if you need it upped. I'm so glad you get to stay home with her for longer because you both probably need to get all this feeling a bit more under control. Good Luck! I hope to see you soon!
