The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, February 5, 2011

On to Week 8

Annabelle has her first diaper rash. The PinkSav is helping, but not quick enough! Her fussiness after meal time is improving for at least 4 of the feedings. Mommy is dramatically reducing her dairy intake and chocolate intake. Mommy is also making sure she doesn't overfeed her and listen more carefully to figure out burping cries instead. Usually she needs at least 3 burps for either the bottle with breastmilk or the boob. Mommy is also massaging her stomach which helps move the gas. It still take an hour to completely calm her down after a feeding, but now she is having more calmer times within that hour. The pacifier is also helping her calm down after a feeding. She is learning to hold the pacifier with her hand, too!
She is also back to getting the recommended hours of sleep. She was really off her sleeping schedule with being so fussy last week that she was only getting around 10 hours of sleep a day, but now we are back on track.
When her belly is not hurting, she is all smiles! She has her two month check up on Thursday. We will keep you posted share about it.
It's funny how people can't keep their comments to themselves. While I was at the REC center, this lady came up to me and said, "I saw you at church, your baby was fussy!" I just bit my tongue and told her that she feel right asleep as soon as we went to the crying room. In my head I was thinking, 50 seconds of barely a cry is nothing compare to what she does after she eats. You should see her than lady! How rude!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I'm sorry you have a fussy one! I can RELATE! Whew. Fussy is hard work. You sound amazing!! You are working so hard at getting her on track! Lucky, lucky Annabelle!
