The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Update on Week 10

This week was very hard on Annabelle's stomach. Both her and I were crying rivers Wednesday morning. Her doctor finally decided to prescribe Zantac for her acid reflux. We are going to try it tomorrow(Friday) and hopefully we will see better results. Overall, the Mylanta did improve her feedings (8/9 feedings were difficult before and with Mylanta 4/9 feedings were difficult) but we want better results. We are still going to use Mylicon drops when needed along with Zantac.
Annabelle is becoming a champ at holding her head up. She is constantly moving her head from side to side to see and hear everything when she is sitting on my lap. She also figured out how to smile with the pacifier in her mouth. She is cooing back and forth with mommy. She loves it when people talk to her!
She giggle very faintly for the first time this week. She now makes grunting noise to get her poop out. She fell asleep several times on her own for naps!

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