The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, March 4, 2011

Update on Week 11

Annabelle is really taken off with her motor skills. She can sit up with support of one hand from an adult. She is batting hanging objects. Annabelle is rolling over from her back to her left or right side. Just today she came back from her side to her back. When she is on her tummy she can get her head up a few times before crying to mommy, "I'm done with tummy time!" She can bring her hands together.
Annabelle has a new bedtime of 8:30. Which I might be regretting because now she is getting up twice in the middle of the night. She's always only gotten up once to feed because she always had late night bedtimes (midnight, ten o'clock). The good new is she had her first six hour stretch! Now we just have to figure out how to make it consistent!
She was doing good falling asleep on her own, but the past two days she is starting to cry when I put her down. I'm puzzled by this. I've left the room, but came back within a few minutes to reassure her. Then I left the room and she usually falls asleep within the next 6-8 minutes of crying. I'm not sure how I feel because the books say don't let a baby cry herself to sleep until four months. I don't think 8-10 minutes total is a bad thing. However, I'm afraid it might get worst and then what???
I think the acid reflux is working well, but I'm not sure if it's a 100% effective. I started it on Friday. Here is the data
Saturday 0/8 difficult feedings
Sunday 1/8 difficult feedings
Monday & Tuesday 2/9 difficult feedings
Wed 4/9 difficult feedings
Thurs 2/8 difficult feedings.
Wednesday may contribute to being extreme gassiness? On Tuesday, I did eat mayo on my sandwich for lunch and dinner, so maybe that was too much dairy. I also had 2 frozen waffles which has egg product for breakfast that day too. Shame on mom! Who really knows. I will call the doctor today and see what they think. Maybe she might need a stronger dose?
Matt and I have another date night. We are going to watch the Kent/Akron basketball game. Annabelle is excited to spend time with Grandma Powell again! We hope Grandma and Grandpa Gilbride makes a safe trip home because they've been gone for over a month and we miss them a lot! Annabelle gets to go to her cousin's Ethan's second birthday on Saturday. She also has her 3 month old pictures.

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