The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, March 18, 2011

Update on week 13

The Powell family is finally in a good grove with each other. Of course, it's time for mommy to go back to work. She works Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week. Full time the following week. Mommy wants to slowly ease back into work. Annabelle has been having practice days at the babysitter. It's going really well. She's eating, napping, and playing just fine there! She likes playing with her babysitter, Jessica and watching the boys play. Annabelle is starting to have 6-8 hours of consistent sleep stretches at night. In reality, it's most consistent at the six hours, although she did have some 7 and one 8 hour stretch this week. That's going to help mommy when she goes back to work. Mommy has also been practicing getting up and ready for work. She learned that she needs to get dress last because Annabelle likes to spit up all over her. Also she needs an extra 5 minutes of unexpected poop from Annabelle before she walks out the door.
Annabelle is starting to tolerate tummy time more and more each day. She can really get her head up high by herself for at 10 seconds before it goes back on the mat. She somehow manages to roll over every couple of days. Her favorite games this week are airplane rides and blowing raspberries back and fourth. We continue to hear a few more soft giggles each week. I just can't wait until she really starts to belly laugh.
Annabelle is starting to look like daddy more and more now!

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