The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, March 25, 2011

Update on Week 14

I am starting to loose track of how many weeks old she is. Pretty soon I'll just be putting months as titles of blog entries or on back of pictures. At the beginning of the week, all Annabelle wanted to do was roll over as soon as mommy put her on the tummy. Near the end of the week, she enjoyed the view on her tummy and spent so much energy holding her head up high that she didn't have enough energy to roll onto her back. She is also starting to have more awake time and is down to take 3 naps a day. Mommy went back to work. She spent her days mostly with Grandpa Ray and Grandma Gilbride. Mommy felt very overwhelmed her first day back but is now starting to get into the swing of things. She keeps herself busy at work which makes the time fly by. It's hard to stop and go pump when she is in a groove. Annabelle sleep patterns have been inconsistent all week. Maybe it's because mommy is going back to work. Annabelle also enjoyed her exersaucer. She's still a tad bit too small, but with several blankets helped. She just loved touching all the stuff on top of it.

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