The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 17

Annabelle has been cooing like crazy this week especially when she is laying on her back or while I'm trying to burp her on my shoulder. The doctor increased her Zantac medicine based on her weight at this week's appointment, so she is now taking 1oz in the morning and in the evening. Annabelle is realizing that mommy is gone for long periods of time during the day because she is very clinging to mom after work. She had a hard time falling asleep 3 times this week. It almost took her 20 minutes of crying to fall asleep. Is it because she's more aware of her surroundings or missing mom? At least tonight it only took a minute or two. I will try to post of video of her cooing, but it is hard to decide which video because the sound on my computer doesn't work. Daddy cut the grass for the first time this year. Mommy is excited to see all her sorority sisters at Founder's Day tomorrow!

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