The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, May 23, 2011

Baptism gown

I look ridiculously cute!
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alseep picture of baptism

She went from totally alert and starring intently while the priest talked to being completely asleep during her baptism
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Pouring water for Baptism

Annabelle alseep while getting water poured on her head for her baptism
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

sweet babies

Watch out Annabelle, Max is going to eat you!

Just kidding. He just wants to hold your hand!
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church time

She was this happy both before, during, and after church today!
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Sweet peanut

She's not such a peanut anymore~
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I can touch my toes
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Week 22

Annabelle started off the week by splashing around so much that she got mommy wet during bath. By the end of the week, she spent all her bath time touching her toes. It took one day of only touching one foot to realize she can touch both feet at the same time. Changing her diaper just got a little bit challenging with her new skill. She tried rice and oatmeal cereal this week. Oatmeal is her favorite out of the two, but she will just as easily eat rice cereal. I am glad I waited this long to introduced food because it was piece of cake getting her to open her mouth to eat it. Two more days of Oatmeal and then we get to try something else. All the shot glasses from my twenties came in handy for mixing the cereal with formula. It's the perfect size! Annabelle had her baptism today. She went from very alert to sleeping like an angel during the ceremony. She barely woke up when the water and oil was put on her head. She had a great time celebrating with friends and family afterwards.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Try on Rice Cereal

Today on May 17th we finally decided to try rice cereal. Almost every bite I close her eyes and made a face that showed disguest! However, I continued to open my mouth slightly and swallow it. I also liked blowing raspberries with the food. Chaz liked the rice cereal way more than I did. Chaz would try to take lick it off the spoon if mom wasn't fast enough to get it in my mouth. Finally Chaz realized he could just lick my face instead of the spoon. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship in Chaz's eyes.
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Great Grandma

My Great Grandma and me!
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Max and me

My cousin Max thinks I taste so good!
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Hat too big

These are the pictures mommy gets when Daddy is left alone with me!
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

5 Months

Annabelle turned 5 months this past week. She officially looks more like Daddy now according to the blog survey. She is now in 3-6 months clothes. After sleeping through the entire night for almost a week straight, she is back to waking up around 4:30 again to eat. Annabelle had her first night away from mommy. Daddy did a good job taking care of her. Annabelle is now giggling a few times a day everyday! She gets very distracted while she eats too! The more things she is doing, the harder it's getting for mom to go to work everyday.
Places she's been this month:
  • Kentucky to Visit Great Grandma Powell
  • Hiking at Goodyear Metro Park
  • Stroller rides in our neighborhood
  • Breastfeeding Center
  • Babies R Us
  • Target
  • Lowe's with Daddy
  • Giant Eagle
  • Church at OLV & Queen of Heaven
  • Both Grandparents house
  • FCLC
Cool things she's done
  • Cooing more
  • Giggling more
  • Sit on her own on the couch
  • Stand with help from an adult or toy
  • Exploration of toys (pushing buttons, mouthing)
  • Alert & aware of surroundings
  • She will stop eating to give mommy a big smile
  • Sleeping for longer periods of night (8pm-4:30am and then back to sleep until 7)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Girl

Happy Girl
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fall down

And we all fall down
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Looking at Grandpa

You are so interesting Grandpa
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Grandparents Powell

Hanging out with Grandpa & Grandma Powell and cousin Max
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so cute

I'm such a ham!
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cooing face

I have so much to tell you...
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cute bonnet

Trying to figure out how to sit up in a chair
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