The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, May 14, 2011

5 Months

Annabelle turned 5 months this past week. She officially looks more like Daddy now according to the blog survey. She is now in 3-6 months clothes. After sleeping through the entire night for almost a week straight, she is back to waking up around 4:30 again to eat. Annabelle had her first night away from mommy. Daddy did a good job taking care of her. Annabelle is now giggling a few times a day everyday! She gets very distracted while she eats too! The more things she is doing, the harder it's getting for mom to go to work everyday.
Places she's been this month:
  • Kentucky to Visit Great Grandma Powell
  • Hiking at Goodyear Metro Park
  • Stroller rides in our neighborhood
  • Breastfeeding Center
  • Babies R Us
  • Target
  • Lowe's with Daddy
  • Giant Eagle
  • Church at OLV & Queen of Heaven
  • Both Grandparents house
  • FCLC
Cool things she's done
  • Cooing more
  • Giggling more
  • Sit on her own on the couch
  • Stand with help from an adult or toy
  • Exploration of toys (pushing buttons, mouthing)
  • Alert & aware of surroundings
  • She will stop eating to give mommy a big smile
  • Sleeping for longer periods of night (8pm-4:30am and then back to sleep until 7)

1 comment:

  1. Standing on a toy!? I think I need to bring the command center in to work! I'll remember this week!
