The Powell's

The Powell's

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

6 month check up

Annabelle cried through the whole check up. She just wanted mommy to hold her the whole time. The good news is that she is in the 50% for everything. She is 16 pounds and 12 oz. She is 26 inches long and her head circumference is 42. The doctors did increase her acid reflux medicine to 1.5 ml. The doctor gave me the green light to eat dairy everyday! The doctor thinks the rash was just food or drool that was stuck under her chin. Annabelle took a nap on the car ride home and than was very playful after all the shots she got at the doctors. Annabelle can officially jump in her jumperoo as of 2 days ago. She was able to get her big toe in her mouth last night. She constantly tries to reach for her rinse cup in the bathtub that mommy is holding despite all the available cups around her in the water.

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