The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, June 12, 2011

6 Months Update

Annabelle is turning into such a good baby that loves to look all around, explore toys with her hands & mouth, and can giggle a lot when playing. She is starting to produce some sounds like, "ga" and is so close to sitting on her own. She also had two overnight sleepovers with Grandpa and Grandma Gilbride and one night with Grandma Kathy. She easily opens her mouth for food. The food she likes best is rice cereal but she also eats oatmeal, green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, and prunes. She also meet a lot more extended family members this month. She finally sleeps through the night (7:45pm-7:00am)! She still needs her swaddle blanket even though mom barely swaddles her tight. She is so talkative during walks and after she eats. It's so cute to hear her babble non-stop during those moments.

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