The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

End of May Updates

Mommy and Daddy survived their weekend without me (Annabelle). They had a fun time in Columbus for a wedding and to celebrate their birthdays. Grandma & Grandpa Gilbride watched me the whole time. I got to meet lots of new relatives. I am able to sit on my own for 5-10 seconds, but it is still not long enough for mommy to capture this on camera. I learned that every time a drop toys from mommy lap it lands on the ground and eventually someone picks it up for me. My arms are getting so strong that I can lift my upper body up while laying on my stomach. My diet consists of rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, green beans, peas, and squash. The cereals and mommy's milk are still my favorite. Mommy thinks my gums are getting harder. In my jumperoo, I can sway side to side. Boy, is it fun!

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