The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, July 17, 2011

7 months

Annabelle is now 7 months old. She is getting really good at transferring objects to her other hand, especially when mommy is changing her. Annabelle has her 2 bottom teeth. She is very ticklish on her belly. Her favorite toys are her Sophie the giraffe, jumperoo and a water bottle. She explores everything she can reach by trying to shake, bang, and mouth it. She really likes standing up with the help from others. Overall, she is down to two naps a day and is on stage 2 baby food. Some of her favorite foods are cereals, pears, apples, and sweet potato/corn combination. She prefers to drink water from a water bottle rather than a sippy cup. She continues to squeal and talks in chunks of time. She mostly babbles using one syllable for 5 minutes nonstop and then will be quiet for a while until another chunk of time. Annabelle loves to reach for Chaz, but often misses. Occasionally, Annabelle will start to cry when mommy leaves the room. As I was taking her monthly pictures in her teddy bear chair, it was neat to watch her touch the softness of the chair and grab all the toys around the chair.

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