The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crazy poses

I swear Daddy did not share his beer with me. I just get a little crazy for the Brownies!

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Browns Girl

Getting ready for Browns Season. I'm sure I will be able to bark just like Daddy by the end of the season.

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8 months 3 weeks

I am imitating actions more and more each day! I like to wiggle my toes after watching mommy wiggle her toes. I like to tap my knees or mommy's knees after she does it. It's cool because it is actually making a noise unlike when I clap my hands together. Mum Mums Rusks are starting to become one of my favorite snacks, especially in riding in the grocery cart. I went to Akron Zoo for the first time.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

touching couch

Ha! look at me!

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leaning and playing

Playing (really I was having fun)

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August 20

I learned how to clap, although I can't really make the clapping sound, but I am super excited and proud when I do this.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

8 months 2 weeks

I like to play a lot now that I am 8 months. I am constantly moving my arms even without toys (maybe that will soon turn into a wave???). I also realized I can touch mommy's leg through the crib slats. I like to shake my head no, no, no when I don't want any more food. But, than I laugh when mommy shakes her head back for yes, yes, yes. I am learning to eat foods like puffs with my fingers. I learned how to take a blanket off my head and mommy's head for a game of peek-a-boo. I am learning how to initiate a game of tickles by touching mommy's hand when she has her hand out ready to tickle me. I learn to whine really well when I want to change locations, since I can't figure out how to crawl yet. Mommy and Chaz are my best friends right now.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

8 months

8 month pictures on the chair. It was interesting how much more mobile she was in the chair than last month. She completely turn herself around and reach for lots of toys that were nearby. She liked feeling the chair. She shook and ate her stuff animals. She was constantly trying to smile really hard for the camera. Although with the flash, it was hard to keep her eyes open.

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trying to move around

I am not crawling yet at 8 months, but I'm trying to figure out how to change positions. I reach a lot to move or yell to my parents to move me.

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8 months

My 8 month picture

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Good morning

Mommy's little sweetie

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

silly daddy boomers don't go on my head, silly
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pink hat

Mommy lost my hat, so if you find it please let us know!
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Finding new things

I'm exploring more and more. I found out that this mirror opens (mommy didn't even know that).
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Updates on 7 months plus

Annabelle is really exploring making sounds with her mouth. She is drooling a lot. A few times during this week, she woke up in the middle of the night because of her teething, but we don't see any more yet. She loves bouncing in her jumperoo. She went to the Summit Co. Fair and saw lots of farm animals. We took her swimming at Munroe Falls Metro park. She loved it! She had fun in the kiddie pool at Calliope's first birthday.