The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, August 18, 2011

8 months 2 weeks

I like to play a lot now that I am 8 months. I am constantly moving my arms even without toys (maybe that will soon turn into a wave???). I also realized I can touch mommy's leg through the crib slats. I like to shake my head no, no, no when I don't want any more food. But, than I laugh when mommy shakes her head back for yes, yes, yes. I am learning to eat foods like puffs with my fingers. I learned how to take a blanket off my head and mommy's head for a game of peek-a-boo. I am learning how to initiate a game of tickles by touching mommy's hand when she has her hand out ready to tickle me. I learn to whine really well when I want to change locations, since I can't figure out how to crawl yet. Mommy and Chaz are my best friends right now.

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