The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I love playing with my toys

Back from the Bye week

Game time

my little pumpkin

Annabelle the great pumpkin

Spider book

Annabelle likes to ready Itsy Bitsy Spider each morning. I love how she knows how to read upside down, too!

10 month chair photo

10 month picture with her teddy bear chair

playing with commando center video

10 months

Annabelle is attempting to crawl up at the last second either changes her mind or falls flat on her face. She is finally starting to rock on her hind legs into the crawling position. We are making small progress. She is getting very close to pulling herself up from the ground. When she is holding onto furniture or toys she is taking a few steps to cruise along. Annabelle is saying mom mom mom sounds. She loves feeding herself or the dog. When we are taking walks in the stroller, she loves dropping all her toys onto the ground. We think we are getting her top teeth very soon. She is now putting toys into containers and dumping them out. She can accurately put balls into correct holes for her ball popper or commando center.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

9 months update

We were so busy that it took mommy almost a month to blog. I am going to be a big sister on April 9th!!! I am starting to hand toys to mommy and daddy to play along. I am starting to dump everything and very rarly put something back in. I still can't crawl, but I like to butt scoot to move around because when I attempt to crawl, I just go backwards or in a circle. I just can't figure out how to coordinate my back legs. My cousin Max learned to crawl a few weeks ago. So maybe I'll pick it up soon. I am starting to say "Da da" at anything and a few times I said, "ma ma." I only like table food that I can eat with my fingers. Mac & Cheese is always a big hit. I become very messy at meal times. At the sitters, my friend Addie, is calling me, Belle. I am waving hello and bye bye. Although, by the time I wave bye, the person already left and can't see me wave. I made it through a meal at Apple Bee's and didn't even poop during the meal there! She is 60% for weight (18.4) and 50% for height and head.

opening day with Max

Hanging out with cousin Max. One day he will teach me how to crawl
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opening day

Opening Day of Browns
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I love playing in the kitchen. So much to bang and eat!
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Da Da

Happy to hang out with Daddy
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9 months

9 months bear chair
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