The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dec 21

The past two nights, Annabelle said, "Hi" when Daddy comes home from work. She is a very lucky girl and started playing with her ball pit as an early Christmas gift. She loves putting the balls through the open holes. She is consistently moving her body to dance whenever one of her toys starts making music. She has a big smile on her face when she walks holding onto her musical walker toy. So proud of herself!

Friday, December 16, 2011

12 months update

Annabelle is 50% for head, weight, and height. She weights 21 pounds. She is very busy playing with all her new toys. She loves pushing the balls down the hole. Maybe in few more months she will learn to use the hammer to hammer the balls down the hole. She likes to take the puzzle pieces out and show them to mommy or eat them. Annabelle figured out how to make the star ring stacker make music without putting or taking off the stars. She is starting to learn to take them off or put them on in any order. She is imitating like crazy playing with her toys. She can roll a car by herself or put it down the roller coaster slide of one of her little people toys. Although, she can work on her accuracy a bit more.

birthday gifts playing

Playing with some of her birthday gifts
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Monday, December 12, 2011

It's a girl

We are having another girl on April 9th! Heart rate was 133 and she weighs 1 lb, 3 oz.

bear chair at 1 years old

Yeah it's my birthday! It's fun to be one!

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birthday balloon

Annabelle loved her birthday balloon!
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fish tank

Looking at her new fish tank
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Yummy cake
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Annabelle and Max

Max and Annabelle hanging out for a short bit
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unwrap gifts

Annabelle unwrapping her gift
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One year old

Annabelle is now a big girl! She has been done with bottles for over a week now. Annabelle did very well with the transition to the sippy cup. Mommy spent too much time worring about it. Annabelle liked her cake. Her hands dove right into it as soon as we put the cake on the tray. Although, she tasted mostly frosting. Then she started feeding the dog the frosting, so we took her cake away. She likes all her new toys. Annabelle is very interested in all the kitchen drawers. She just loves to take things in and out! Annabelle loves to crawl around and stand up on anything that is her size! She understands words like mommy, daddy, chaz, no, up, and ball. She likes when Mommy and Daddy swings her in a blanket.

Friday, December 2, 2011

putting up tree

My favorite part was taking everything out of the box!
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Decorating the tree
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I love my Daddy! She back to her da da da phase.
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ghetto gate

We don't have any gates, so we are using our Christmas containers. She loves to pull herself up on them.
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Crawling through my fun fun fun home! I love to play with it each day!
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