The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, December 12, 2011

One year old

Annabelle is now a big girl! She has been done with bottles for over a week now. Annabelle did very well with the transition to the sippy cup. Mommy spent too much time worring about it. Annabelle liked her cake. Her hands dove right into it as soon as we put the cake on the tray. Although, she tasted mostly frosting. Then she started feeding the dog the frosting, so we took her cake away. She likes all her new toys. Annabelle is very interested in all the kitchen drawers. She just loves to take things in and out! Annabelle loves to crawl around and stand up on anything that is her size! She understands words like mommy, daddy, chaz, no, up, and ball. She likes when Mommy and Daddy swings her in a blanket.

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