The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, February 16, 2012

14 months

Annabelle has 4 teeth at 14 months.  Annabelle loves playing and playing all day long.  Annabelle's words include mom, dad, chaz, hi-chaz, milk, ush for push, oh, and occassionally she will imitate the word up.  Annabelle loves hugging and rocking her baby dolls.  The bath time baby doll  from Uncle Matt & Aunt Manny is becoming her favorite toy.  She likes rolling cars and airplanes on the floor.  She is getting better at rolling the ball back and forth to mom and dad.  Annabelle also enjoys holding mom or dad's hand to walk around the house.  She is still unsure about taking a step on her own.  She loves to put the lids on and off the tupperwear.  Annabelle does get jealous of Chaz if he gets too close to Mommy.  Baby sister is measuring on track at 32 weeks.  She looks just like Annabelle from the ultrasound last week with her cubby cheeks!  

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