The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Claire Oma

Claire was born at 3:07am on Friday March 30th.  We named her Claire because we both liked the name.  Her middle name Oma, is after Matt's Grandma from Kentucky.  Mommy started feeling contractions while they were test driving a vehicle, but didn't tell anyone until they got home.  Then she texted her good friend Amy about the contractions because they felt different than before because they were so intense coming from the back.  Then she decided to call the doctor and he told her to go to the hospital.  They were admitted around 9:45pm at 4cm dilated.  Mommy got her antibiotics and her epidural as soon as possible and everything was fine again!  Her water broke around 11:30. It took a long time to get to 6cm and then 20 minutes after that she was at 10cm and everything was ready to go.  She pushed for about 5 minutes and out came Claire at 3:07.  It probably took Claire about 15 seconds (seemed like forever) to cry because the cord was wrapped around her.  So Mommy didn't get to hold her until 1/2 later.  Daddy was the first to hold her just like with Annabelle.  Mommy is having a good recovery.  Claire is adjusting well.  She weighed 5lbs 12 1/2 oz at birth and 12 days later she is now 6lbs 7oz.   She is great eater!  She is getting up to eat about every 3 hours in the night and 2 1/2 hours during the day.  Annabelle is enjoying so much of Daddy's attention!  Annabelle is adjusting well to Claire also!

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