The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Claire 2 months

Claire is 2 months.  She just experienced her first stretch of 6 hours!  At two months she is smiling at people, especially Annabelle!  She is reaching for dangling objects.  She can fall asleep on her own (she likes to be swaddle in her miracle blanket)!  She is a very easy going baby! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Water play

Water play over the hot Memorial Day

Slip in Slide

Daddy was determine for Annabelle to like the slip in slide.  It took her a few times to warm up, but then she asked for more for another 4 trips down the hill

Monday, May 28, 2012

Little Mommy Annabelle

Annabelle is busy putting her baby doll to sleep

But, she has to swaddle her baby first

And then she has to use wipes to clean the baby

The baby also needs clothes

cardboard basketball hoop

Mommy got a new pan for her birthday and Annabelle got a new way to shoot hoops

play mat

Playing on the activity mat at Grandma Kathy's house


Claire likes sitting in her bouncing chair now and tries to reach at the toys.  That is one of the first things Claire does in the morning after she eats while Mommy chases Annabelle around to change her diaper and get her dressed!

pool time

Playing in my pool is fun for about 5 minutes

8 weeks

Claire is 8 weeks old

Thursday, May 24, 2012

eating pretend food

Yum Yum pretend food!

kisses for Mommy

Annabelle is learning to give kisses.  She gave Mommy a kiss for the first time yesterday!  As soon as she gives the kiss, she starts cracking up!  What a funny girl she is!

Where's Annabelle

One of Annabelle's favorite people games is playing "Where's Annabelle?" as she hides behind my back.  Yes, that is a chip bowl on her head.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tallmadge Girls

Annabelle & Lily A playing peek a boo and laughing together!

Rainbow kisses

Looking cute and hoping to go outside which is why she went to put on the hat

eat them up shark

Playing with the shark puppet

7 weeks

Claire 7 weeks

Monday, May 21, 2012

ball play

One of Annabelle balls that she likes to throw to mom, dad, Chaz, or just around the room so she could go get it herself. 

shaking a rattle

Shaking a rattle for Claire

Water works park

We tried to feed the ducks, but there were too many geese in the way.  We played on the park and her favorite thing was climbing these blocks.  She was still too little for most of the equipment.

baby play

Annabelle putting her baby in the bouncer and covering her up with a blanket

Saturday, May 19, 2012

17 months update for Annabelle

Annabelle is now 17 months.  She is experiencing lots of jealous moments while Mommy is holding Claire.  She typically is clinging to Mommy's legs crying while Mom is holding Claire to try to calm Claire down.  Annabelle is imitating more and more words.  Some of her new words are close, off, and making several attempts to say Blueberries.  She will also say, "row row row" in the same melody to ask for the song Row Your Boat and she also makes another melody for Itsy Bitsy Spider song. Annabelle also claps and says, "Yay" for cheese, blueberries, Popsicles, and when Mommy puts Claire to bed.  Annabelle still loves to throw balls, push stuff around like toy shopping carts, corn popper, toy mower, and play with baby dolls.  She is starting to like it when water is dumped on her head during bath time.  She is identifying body parts of belly, nose, mouth, and eyes.  She loves to play outside.  She has 8 teeth (5 on top & 3 on the bottom.  She likes to say "go" and then run around the house.  She is getting into stuff animals now.  She likes to cuddle with either her puppy dog or her polar bear.

Mother's Day

Annabelle, Claire, and Matt gave me and edible flower (fruit) arrangement and internet!  Hopefully I will be updating the blog more frequently now.  Annabelle also called out "mommy" when she woke up instead of just whinny cry for me to come get her from her crib for the first time on Mother's Day!  Claire gave me her longest stretch of sleep so far of 5 hours.  However it hasn't happen since.  

Claire with Grandma Kathy

Grandma Kathy & Claire

Max and Annabelle

 Max and Annabelle playing together for Mother's Day bunch at Aunt Michelle & Uncle Joe's house

Up close with Claire


Lately, Annabelle has been very jealous, but there are a few good moments like these when Annabelle is tickling Claire or when she gives her a toy or helps to burp her.

Claire on Mother's Day

Claire's on Mother's Day 2012

Annabelle 17 months

Annabelle 17 months

Claire 6 weeks

6 weeks

Claire 5 weeks

Claire 5 weeks


The Powell's girls

Friday, May 4, 2012

Claire one month updates

Claire was one month old on April 30th.  She is 8lbs 6oz.  She went from the 10% to the 25% in her weight in one month!  Her head is 14cm.  She is 21 inches long which is in the 50%.  She spits up a lot.  So far she spit up her whole meal up 10 times, but most of the time is just a few small spit ups.  She sleeps in her car seat or the bouncer chair so she can be upright.  She is occasionally starting to smile.  When she is awake she is very alert.  She likes to stare at people.  The longest stretch of sleep is 3 hours which might occur every other day.  She likes her food and doesn't want to miss out on it!  This week we started introducing the bottle.  After the third day, she finally accepted it!  We will continue to practice this once a day so she will be ready for the sitters at the end of June. We did have to change to Dr. Brown's bottles.  She stopped wearing newborn clothes at 3 weeks and has moved on to 0-3 month clothes!

Attempts at family photo

Some attempts at getting a family photo with the 10 second delay option


Swing is so much fun!

Sitting on potty

We are starting the first phase of potty training which is just sitting.  We will be practicing this skill for a long time.  It was Annabelle's idea to bring a book along