The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, May 4, 2012

Claire one month updates

Claire was one month old on April 30th.  She is 8lbs 6oz.  She went from the 10% to the 25% in her weight in one month!  Her head is 14cm.  She is 21 inches long which is in the 50%.  She spits up a lot.  So far she spit up her whole meal up 10 times, but most of the time is just a few small spit ups.  She sleeps in her car seat or the bouncer chair so she can be upright.  She is occasionally starting to smile.  When she is awake she is very alert.  She likes to stare at people.  The longest stretch of sleep is 3 hours which might occur every other day.  She likes her food and doesn't want to miss out on it!  This week we started introducing the bottle.  After the third day, she finally accepted it!  We will continue to practice this once a day so she will be ready for the sitters at the end of June. We did have to change to Dr. Brown's bottles.  She stopped wearing newborn clothes at 3 weeks and has moved on to 0-3 month clothes!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Thinking of you! Do you need another bouncy chair? I have two and I rarely use the second now. Let me know.
