The Powell's

The Powell's

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

18 months update

Annabelle is 18 months!
She has 6 teeth up top and 3 on the bottom.  We will see how much she weighs when she goes to the doctors next week.  She likes to pretend to talk on the play phone and jabbers a lot on it, but I only understand when she says hi and bye on the phone.  She will pretend that almost anything is a phone.  She likes to pack a bag and says bye and walks around the house.  She likes to try to walk in Mommy or Daddy's shoes.  When she wants to go outside, she will get her shoes, hat, and go to the door.  If that doesn't work, then she will get your shoes too!  She likes to pretend to sleep, so Mommy can tickle her to wake up. She is trying to climb up on the couch, so we got her a foot stool to help her.  She loves to play outside.  Nap time can be a challenge because she wants to play in her crib.  Her aim is getting better when throwing balls to play catch or making baskets.  She has so many single words, that it is hard to keep track now.  Everyday she is attempting to repeat and use new vocabulary words.  We have a few meltdown moments a day because Mommy is taking care of Baby Claire, but they mostly come when she is tired or hungry.  She peed and poop in the potty once so far.  She loves to sing!  She can be very clingy to Mommy still when others approach.  She now likes to go down slides at the park.  Her favorite foods are blueberries, pineapple, and Popsicles.  She is a busy girl at 18 months.  I'm sure there is so much more, but these are the few things that stick out.  

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