The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doctor visits up to week 22

First visit: Guess what you're pregnant determined by a pee test. Due date is Dec 14th

Second visit: Changed due date to Dec 15th. Measuring 8 weeks at ultrasound and 163 is heart rate.

Third visit: Nurse Practitioner Diane took blood work and asked a lot of questions

June 11th. Nurse couldn't find a heart beat, but the doctor found it right away which was 155.

July 1st: Heart rate is 154. I heard the baby move during it

July 30th: Quad screen was negative. Heart rate was 145, but baby moved right as she was finishing counting

August 6th: Emergency doctor visit because I fell down the stairs the night before. Heart rate 150.

August 9th: Ultrasound looks good. Baby weighs one pound. Heart rate 153

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