The Powell's

The Powell's

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pregnancy benchmarks through week 22

May 20th: Baby's first concert

May 20th: Baby's first gift (Brown's bib & pacifier) from Lisa & Delaney S.

May 29th: Baby's first vacation: Daytona Beach

June 5th (week 12): Daddy Powell noticing mom's stomach is getting bigger

June 17th (week 14): Shopping for my first maternity clothes

June 24th (week 15): Wearing my first maternity pants. It was a little big, but more comfortable

June 25th: Ouch Ligament stretching

June 26th: Baby got his/her first book from Grandma Powell. Baby got first onies from Amy K.

July 9th (week 17): I felt baby move with confidence

July 27th (almost week 20): Hormones kicked in. I cried for at least 20 minutes because I dropped my hamburger

August 7th: Baby went to first golf invitational at Firestone country Club. We cheered for Phil Mickelson

August 8th (week 21 1/2) Mommy threw up for the first time.

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