The Powell's

The Powell's

Monday, October 25, 2010

Party weekend

On Friday, we had Matt's Oktoberfest work party. The money raised went to the Battered Women's Shelter. On Saturday, we watched Akron U get destroyed by Western Michigan in football. It's pretty bad when the other team can score 2 touchdowns in 21 seconds. After the game, we went to Leanne's & Carl's annual pumpkin party. All the soups were delicious for the soup contest. Gary's chili is a little too spicy for the baby and I. All the pumpkins that were carved were so cute. I like Benjamin's the best.
Sunday was my first baby shower! What I liked most about it was that I was surrounded by all my different groups of friends. It makes you feel so special having such awesome supportive friends. The party was at my house which made it really relaxing for me which is what I wanted. I got so many useful gifts for the baby. I apologized for opening gifts with a dress on. I'm sure I wasn't very lady like the whole time and I didn't realize this until after the party. Thanks again to Rachel for having the perfect shower and for my mom, Charla, Jen, Jaime, Amy, Rachel, and Cathy for making the delicious brunch food. I hope everyone had a good time at my shower.
After this busy party weekend, it's long wonder my sciatic nerve is killing me. At least I got my pack-n-play together and all my thank you cards done.

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