The Powell's

The Powell's

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy 4 Months

Annabelle is 13 lbs and 15 oz which puts her at 30% for weight. She is 24 inches long which puts her again at the 30%. She is in the 10% for head circumference. She used her last size 1 diapers on Sunday. She was a screaming mess for her 4 month old check-up. I'm not really sure exactly what the doctor really said because her lungs were loud. It's not a good idea to schedule a check up during a nap, but I had no idea that was going to be her nap time when I schedule it at 2 months. She is cooing like crazy. She just has so much to say at 4 months. That is really cool for mommy to hear.
The places she's been
  • Doctor's office
  • Church
  • Friend's houses: Angerstien, Collin, Klusmann, Holtz, both Grandparents, Benedum
  • FCLC
  • Giant Eagle
  • Delanie's
  • Prestwick Country Club
What she likes
  • Tummy Time
  • Cooing
  • Blow Raspberries
  • Take naps
  • Airplane rides with Daddy
  • Red toy dog
  • Sucking on her fingers
  • Swaddle
  • Golf on TV
  • Looking around
  • Riding in the moby wrap for walks
What she dislikes
  • Rolling over (for whatever reason she stopped)
  • Sitting down at church
  • Sitting down at restaurants
What to work on
  • Stop spitting up! 5 bibs a day and 2 outfits for mom is too many!

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