The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week 16

Annabelle is constantly observing what is going on around her. She keeps herself so busy looking up down and all around! Her new skill is being able to turn her head from side to side while laying on her tummy. Now she is really staring at all the colors on her ocean play mat. Annabelle also got to be a witness of her Godparents, Matt & Rachel get married (again) in the Catholic Church. Annabelle is doing good at the sitters. Annabelle is into blowing raspberries again with mommy and her sitter. She is back to the lean to roll over; however she can't coordinate her legs anymore to make herself roll over. She just kicks her chubby legs but she doesn't go anywhere. One of these days she will get it again. Annabelle also dropped one of her naps this week. Now she is down to 3, which means her bedtime is now moved to 7:30. Mommy and Daddy's time with her is even more precious after work. Next Tuesday is her 4 month check up!

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