The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Diaper only on teddy

Put my clothes back on Mommy....It's winter
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smiley Annabelle

More smiles to share. She smiles a lot in the morning!
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Lily and Annabelle

Annabelle and Lily had their first playdate yesterday! Lily is her Tallmadge friend (mommies work together too) that is closest in age with her. Lily liked to look and smile at Annabelle and also reached for her.
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chaz and baby

Maybe this little baby isn't too bad afterall....thoughts from Chaz
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My soon to be Godparents Racel and Matt takes good care of me

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

six weeks and couting

It's hard to believe six weeks have past already. She is becoming more and more active and alert. Matt and I had our first date night on Saturday. We went to Lockview for dinner and shopping for house stuff. The grill cheese was just as delicious as I remember. We also had a fun playdate with our cousins Max and Maddie. Annabelle met her Uncle Mark for the first time too!
Mommy is at the end between stage where maternity pants can't stay up on her and she has to take a deep breathe to button her regular pants. It looks like mommy will be wearing sweats and pj pants this week. Mommy is going to miss her maternity pants! Annabelle is going to get her tongue-tied clip on Wednesday. Hopefully this will have a positive impact on breastfeeding and language development in the future. Annabelle loves her bath time now which is part of her bedtime routine. Annabelle is starting to get some small rolls on her thighs!

Maddie dressing up

Maddie is so fun to watch
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Annabelle & Maddie

Annabelle is so lucky to have Cousin Maddie's old clothes and toys!
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The Powell cousins
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Max & Annabelle Jan22

Still can't believe they are 2 weeks and 12 hours apart. What a tank and what a peanut!
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Friday, January 21, 2011


Annabelle weighs 7.11 now! She is starting to become very fussy after feedings. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sigma Legacy

Someone is getting tired.
Thanks Aimee for the blanket! She will make the perfect Sigma Sister
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Jan 18 "Firsts"

Jan 18th: We had a few "firsts" today. She met her friend Molly for the first time. The most exciting one was that she smiled at me for the first time. My friend Maggie was right there to celebrate it with me! She gave two big smiles right in a row at me! She rolled from her back to her side with the help of the boppy. I wasn't expecting that one! We went grocery shopping at Giant Eagle today. She slept in the Moby wrap up until I finished paying for the groceries. It was a good trip except I completely forgot to bring my coupons and it took a while to get the groceries into the house. Good thing it's winter!

first social smile

This isn't quite the smile she gave me this morning (it was much more bigger), but you can't always capture the "first" of everything
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Roll over with boppy help

At first she was in this position above, but then decided she didn't like tummy time and on her own changed to the position down below! Not only does she like us to keep her moving, but she managing it on her own too!

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Gift from Doctor

Dr. Gorsuch (who delivered her) sent a gift to her in the mail. It's a silky blanket with her name and birth date and a picture of a rattle embroider on it.
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Playdate with Molly

We had a wonderful visit from Maggie and Molly! Annabelle slept most of the time, but enjoyed being held by Maggie
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Monday, January 17, 2011

feet and fingers

Bath time is getting better, but look how cute my little feet and fingers are!
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

week 5

Things are now turning the corner and getting easier. My breasts are hurting less and less. I haven't felt the baby blues in a while. Annabelle is starting to visually focus mom and dad's face. When she wakes up, she will really focus on my face for a few seconds before attempting to scream for boobs. We also notice walking up and down stairs helps her calm down, too. She gives us our New Year's Resolution of working out! Annabelle takes good morning naps, but afternoon naps are hit and miss. Mommy is staring to attempt to cook family meals. Although my first attempt took 3 hours just to prep the food to make chicken enchiladas. Then mommy got smart and started using the moby wrap to cook with if Annabelle is fussy or refuses to go for a nap. We also had 2 successful bath times with very little screaming!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

happy and mad

Enjoying myself on swing

I am so mad
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

one month upclose

Annabelle one month up close picture 1-11-11
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one month pics

Annabelle one month old 1-1-11

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Monday, January 10, 2011

One Month Old

Annabelle is one month old already. Time sure does fly quickly. She is still wearing her newborn clothes. Here are a few things about Annabelle so far in her first month of life
Things she loves
  • Mommy's milk
  • Bouncing on the exercise ball with Daddy
  • Sleeping
  • Cuddling with mom or Grandma
  • Being swaddle, especially with the Miracle Swaddle Blanket
  • Pacifier, but she is still figuring out how to keep it in her mouth
  • Going around Tallmadge circle or sharp turns in the car. Otherwise she is screaming in the car unless mommy got her in the carseat while in a deep sleep.
Things she hates
  • Bath Time
  • Getting her diaper/clothes changed
  • Being Naked
Places she's been
  • Babies R Us
  • Target
  • Jen & Todd's house for Browns games
  • Matt & Rachel's house
  • Jaime & Erin for New Year's Eve Party
  • Open Practice Solutions (Matt's work)
  • Both Grandparents House
  • Breast Feeding Center
  • City Hospital (Birth & Breast Feeding Support Group)
  • Cold Stone Creamery
Things she needs to work on
  • Latching on (Being a little tongue tied & having extra skin inside upper lip makes it a challenge for her. Also mom doesn't help by accepting poor latching on because she to is frustrated!)
  • Waking herself up to eat
  • Not falling asleep at the boob
  • Predictable schedule (we are getting there)

Browns Family

We were ready for the Browns/Pittsburg game even though the Browns weren't
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knit outfit

Grandma's friend knit me thus pretty outfit
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smile of gas

I like letting out gas!
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nap time daddy

Napping on Daddy
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