The Powell's

The Powell's

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mat play

Annabelle enjoys playing with her mat more and more everyday! She is starting to open her hand to hold things; however mommy has to help her reach for accuracy!


Look at my muscles

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Update on Week 10

This week was very hard on Annabelle's stomach. Both her and I were crying rivers Wednesday morning. Her doctor finally decided to prescribe Zantac for her acid reflux. We are going to try it tomorrow(Friday) and hopefully we will see better results. Overall, the Mylanta did improve her feedings (8/9 feedings were difficult before and with Mylanta 4/9 feedings were difficult) but we want better results. We are still going to use Mylicon drops when needed along with Zantac.
Annabelle is becoming a champ at holding her head up. She is constantly moving her head from side to side to see and hear everything when she is sitting on my lap. She also figured out how to smile with the pacifier in her mouth. She is cooing back and forth with mommy. She loves it when people talk to her!
She giggle very faintly for the first time this week. She now makes grunting noise to get her poop out. She fell asleep several times on her own for naps!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Annabelle first playgroup

Annabelle joined all the other FCLC babies (minus 2) in her first playgroup. We celebrated Molly & Afton's first birthday. Click where it says "FCLC playgroup" above to see the video that Maggie made.

cousins playdate Feb 19

We had another cousins playdate at Annabelle's house. It was funny to see Max and Annabelle talk. It sounded like Annabelle was complaining about her stomach pains while Max was complaining that he wanted more food! Max loved looking at Annabelle.
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

black & white 9 weeks

One of my favorite 9 weeks old picture!
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Friday, February 18, 2011

FCLC Playdate

A playdate with all my co-workers babies (plus siblings) of 2010 minus two babies.
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Outdoor walk

Our first walk outside. We went a park in Munroe Falls. We saw Lindsey and Carley there.
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Sunset picture

Matt took a picture of the sunset a few days ago at our house. No we do not have a lake, it's the hood of his car. Taking pictures of Annabelle and nature is his new hobby.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Friend Grant walking

Grant is learning to walk!
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Maddie's 4th birthday

Maddie drew a rainbow
Maddie sneaking some frosting from her 4th birthday cake!
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3 Grandchildren

Kathy and Ray with their 3 adorable grandchildren
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Maddie and Annabelle

Maddie loves her cousin
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Max and Annabelle

Max and Annabelle on 2-13-11
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Just lifting weights

Annabelle's first work out!
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More Tummy Time

Tummy Time can end up 3 ways
1) She moves around so much that she rolls to her side or over
2) She ends up crying (usually after a few minutes or right when we start tumm time)
3) She gets her head up!
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9 Weeks Update

Annabelle is so very lady-like at meal times when she farts at least 2 times, poops 3 times, burps 3 times, and spits-up around 10 times! No doubt she is Matt's daughter! The only thing that stinks is she gets so upset when she farts, burps, and spits-up. Mommy quickly has to praise her to keep her calm regardless of how much spit up is in mommy's hair! Once when Annabelle gets done with all her bowel movements and spits-up, she's happy as could be. She also had her first poop explosion where it went up her back twice on Sunday night.
Mommy got her a piano mat for the crib which she loves to kick to make music. She is napping better, but once again her farts or spit-up or poop wake her up half way through her nap.
She had a great time celebrating her cousin's 4th birthday. She finally stayed awake for one complete lap at the Rec Center today before going to sleep in the stroller. She is looking forward to tomorrow's play date with mommy's work friends!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Go Big Blue

Matt is trying to raise her to be a Kentucky Fan. However, she had 2 major blow-outs in this onies with poop going up her back. I'm not really sure how she feels about UK!
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Happy V Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

2 Months Update

I packed up Annabelle's newborn clothes with week. Now she swims in most 0-3 month old clothes. She is 9 pounds and one ounce and went up to the 25 percentile for her weight. She is in the 45% for length and 30% for head growth. She is taking in her calories! The doctors think she has reflux and some colic. Their suggestion is to keep off dairy products (which sucks because all I want is a pizza with extra cheese), increase Mylanta to 1/2 teaspoon, and also try Lactobacillus. If there is no improvement in 2 weeks then they will probably prescribe something. I will also continue with the belly massage and "5 S"
She was a champ with her shots today! She was unusually happy when she got home for about an hour and then the fussiness/tiredness occurred.

Here are some of the places she's been in the second month of her life
  • Friends/Family Houses: Cotter, Keren, Eby, Agerstein, Finkler, Klusmann, Stein, Powell, & Gilbride
  • Family Child Learning Center
  • Breast Feeding Center
  • Our Lady of Victory
  • Target, Babies R Us, Giant Eagle
  • Delanies & Red Robin
  • Tallmadge Rec Center
Here are some cool things she's done
  • Smile
  • Found her hands and are putting them in her mouth
  • Touch her toes
  • Held Stuff like string from our sweatshirts, Bra Strap, and Rattles (doesn't get that she can shake them yet)
  • Untentionally Roll over (maybe she's lopsided?)
  • Stare and smile at mobles, musical light toys, and toys that move
  • Smile and squeal happily at mommy (new today)
Things she likes
  • People games where mommy counts to 3 and blows at her hair
  • Songs
  • Any type of movement from adults (exercise ball, squats, stairs, running etc)
  • Suck on her fingers
  • Toy Bird that moves up and down
  • White Noise Bear at nap time
  • Hair dryer on her butt (we are trying air out her diaper rash)
  • Warm fan in the bathroom
  • Bath Time
  • Miracle Swaddle Blanket at bedtime
Things she hate
  • Upset belly right after feedings and 45 minutes after feedings

Things to work on
  • Taking longer afternoon naps
  • Noticing herself in the mirror
  • Developing a mature digestive system

head up

I'm trying really hard to get my head up!
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Trying to hold her head up

I give up!
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Getting the rattle

She is starting to grab and hold onto rattles. She doesn't understand to shake it yet.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Little Packer

In honor of Green Bay for winning the superbowl
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Superbowl with Daddy

I'm watching the Superbowl with Daddy
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Eby & Harrisons

Meeting LeAnne & Cindy (Mommy & Daddy's concert friends)

All the girls love me. Annabelle with Erin, Cindy & Emma
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smiles for the bird

Annabelle likes watching the bird go up and down on her play gym!
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

On to Week 8

Annabelle has her first diaper rash. The PinkSav is helping, but not quick enough! Her fussiness after meal time is improving for at least 4 of the feedings. Mommy is dramatically reducing her dairy intake and chocolate intake. Mommy is also making sure she doesn't overfeed her and listen more carefully to figure out burping cries instead. Usually she needs at least 3 burps for either the bottle with breastmilk or the boob. Mommy is also massaging her stomach which helps move the gas. It still take an hour to completely calm her down after a feeding, but now she is having more calmer times within that hour. The pacifier is also helping her calm down after a feeding. She is learning to hold the pacifier with her hand, too!
She is also back to getting the recommended hours of sleep. She was really off her sleeping schedule with being so fussy last week that she was only getting around 10 hours of sleep a day, but now we are back on track.
When her belly is not hurting, she is all smiles! She has her two month check up on Thursday. We will keep you posted share about it.
It's funny how people can't keep their comments to themselves. While I was at the REC center, this lady came up to me and said, "I saw you at church, your baby was fussy!" I just bit my tongue and told her that she feel right asleep as soon as we went to the crying room. In my head I was thinking, 50 seconds of barely a cry is nothing compare to what she does after she eats. You should see her than lady! How rude!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Flowers make me happy outfit

Annabelle borrowed this adorable outfit from her friend Lily. It's one of her favorite newborn clothes!

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On to Week 7

Annabelle is up to 8lbs and 9 oz. Bath time is her favorite part of the day. After she finishes eating her mommy's milk is her least favorite part of the day. She gets a lot of gas relief drops as well as sitting on mommy's lap upright after every feeding. Hopefully mommy can come up with a solution to all her fussiness after meals. Annabelle has been riding in the stroller at the Tallmadge Rec Center as mommy, Aunt Charla, and Grandma walks around the track. This puts her in a deep sleep. Daddy has been very handy this past weekend. He had to fix the leak on our sliding door and he put a new light up in the kitchen. Annabelle has yet to learn what grass is because of all the snow she's seen (I think snow covered the ground all but one day since she's been born).