The Powell's

The Powell's

Friday, March 25, 2011

Maddie and Annabelle tummy time

Cousins just hanging out
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Star Table

Annabelle loved turning the star with Grandma Kathy!
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babies of FCLC

FCLC Babies born in 2010
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FCLC mommies and babies

Mommies and Babies of 2010 at FCLC!
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first day in exersaucer

This looks interesting!
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Update on Week 14

I am starting to loose track of how many weeks old she is. Pretty soon I'll just be putting months as titles of blog entries or on back of pictures. At the beginning of the week, all Annabelle wanted to do was roll over as soon as mommy put her on the tummy. Near the end of the week, she enjoyed the view on her tummy and spent so much energy holding her head up high that she didn't have enough energy to roll onto her back. She is also starting to have more awake time and is down to take 3 naps a day. Mommy went back to work. She spent her days mostly with Grandpa Ray and Grandma Gilbride. Mommy felt very overwhelmed her first day back but is now starting to get into the swing of things. She keeps herself busy at work which makes the time fly by. It's hard to stop and go pump when she is in a groove. Annabelle sleep patterns have been inconsistent all week. Maybe it's because mommy is going back to work. Annabelle also enjoyed her exersaucer. She's still a tad bit too small, but with several blankets helped. She just loved touching all the stuff on top of it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Purposely rolling over

Here is a video of the third time today (Sunday March 20) Annabelle purposely rolled over. It was so neat watching her focus on getting her arms and legs in position and then leaning her body to the side to roll . She is much happier in this video than before!

Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Paddy's Day Girl

Aunt Charla gave her a "I'm a McCutie" onies, Grandma brought her cute green shoes and mommy also got her a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" shirt. She was ready to celebrate!
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March Playdate

St. Patrick's Day Playgroup
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Update on week 13

The Powell family is finally in a good grove with each other. Of course, it's time for mommy to go back to work. She works Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week. Full time the following week. Mommy wants to slowly ease back into work. Annabelle has been having practice days at the babysitter. It's going really well. She's eating, napping, and playing just fine there! She likes playing with her babysitter, Jessica and watching the boys play. Annabelle is starting to have 6-8 hours of consistent sleep stretches at night. In reality, it's most consistent at the six hours, although she did have some 7 and one 8 hour stretch this week. That's going to help mommy when she goes back to work. Mommy has also been practicing getting up and ready for work. She learned that she needs to get dress last because Annabelle likes to spit up all over her. Also she needs an extra 5 minutes of unexpected poop from Annabelle before she walks out the door.
Annabelle is starting to tolerate tummy time more and more each day. She can really get her head up high by herself for at 10 seconds before it goes back on the mat. She somehow manages to roll over every couple of days. Her favorite games this week are airplane rides and blowing raspberries back and fourth. We continue to hear a few more soft giggles each week. I just can't wait until she really starts to belly laugh.
Annabelle is starting to look like daddy more and more now!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I hate tummy time

Annabelle was on her belly for a minute and she got so mad she rolled over!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daddy Time

Daddy time makes me smile!
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Molly and Chaz

Molly gave Chaz some much needed love. Now only if Chaz wasn't scare of Annabelle maybe he could see how much fun babies are!
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Molly and Maggie came to have a playdate with us!
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

mommy's injury

Mommy fell down a few steps early this morning for my 4:30 feeding. Luckily, she held on to me. Her pinkie toe is black and blue and has a few scraps on her elbow. It took icing her toe all morning for her to finally move it around. Mommy will be good to go by the time preschoolers return from spring break.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy 3 months

Annabelle gave a really nice present to mommy and daddy on the night of her 3 month birthday. She slept from 8:35 pm to 6 in the morning. Although, mommy still didn't get much sleep because she kept waiting for her to get up to fed or was nervous that something was wrong.

Friday, March 11, 2011

stuff bunny

At one month, I was the same size of this bunny, now look at me 2 months later!
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Annabelle loves to kick now! She kicks to play music in her crib and kicks the ball around on her mat.
She wore her snowman sleeper in hopes that today will be the last snow of the seaon.
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3 Month Update

We have kept a baby alive for 3 months now!! Annabelle is around 11 pounds. She finally outgrew Gerber's 0-3 month onies. She still wears other 0-3 month clothes, however she will probably outgrow the length pretty soon. This week she started to wear her Carter's 3 month sleepers. Daddy learn the difference between a sleeper and a onies. She also developed her bald spot on the back of her head. Annabelle is constantly smiling at mommy and daddy and other friendly people. Her awake and sleep time is starting to become predictable. She takes 4 naps a day. Two of the naps is usually 2 hours long while the other two naps are around 1 hour long. She wakes up like clock work between 7-7:15 in the morning. It's still unpredictable if she will wake up once or twice to eat. We decide to let her cry herself to sleep. Her nap routine consists of reading, "Goodnight Gorilla", turning on her music projector, getting swaddle, and being rock in mom's arms for one song on her music projector before mom leaves the room. Currently it takes between 3-4 minutes to fall asleep. I don't know what I will do when she gets too big to be swaddle by the miracle blanket. I'll worry about that when the time comes.
Places she's been: We've haven't travel as much because we are working on her routines.
  • Friends houses: Maggie's, Klusmann, Stein, Both Grandparents, Cotter for ping pong tournament (which she loved watching the ball go back and forth).
  • Giant Eagle (she stayed awake for almost the entire trip last week)
  • Walmart, Target, Babies R Us, Breast feeding center, McDonalds
  • Rec Center
  • Our Lady of Victory
  • Akron Canton and Cleveland Airport (Arrival and Departure sections in the car)
  • Comfort Inn for Ethan's birthday party
  • Met Jessica (her babysitter) and her son Carson
Cool things she's done
  • Roll to side, Roll over (all accidental)
  • Bat objects and grab objects
  • Watching her environment around her
  • So much head control when sitting
  • Slept for 6 hours in a row (inconsistent)
  • Hold her head while being on her tummy (just a few seconds)
  • let out a few soft giggles
  • coo
  • Blow raspberries???
What she likes
  • Play mat
  • Kicking her ball on her blue mat
  • Hula Monkey
  • Musical Panda Bear
  • Being Swaddle
  • people
  • bath and sucking on the wet towel
  • Colorful images on ESPN
  • Sucking on her fingers
What she hates
  • Being on her tummy
  • burping
  • farting
  • She's unsure if she likes or hates riding in the laundry basket
Things to work on
  • Staying on her tummy longer
  • Night Time Sleep
  • Getting the gas out more efficiently
Update on Mommy & Daddy
  • Mommy starts back to work on the 22nd and will miss Annabelle like crazy
  • Daddy is very proud of his bird feeder that he built
  • Mommy & Daddy had a great date night by going to the Akron/Kent basketball game
  • Since Mommy can't have dairy, she is starting to have dreams about ice cream

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

bumbo chair

I think her smile is so cute and funny in this picture. We are testing out our bumbo chair because in a few more days she will be 3 months. She is doing great with her sitting and head control. I think she is praying for some food that won't make her gassy or reflux.
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head up

I'm getting so much quicker at holding my head up on the mat for tummy time!
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headband pic

I'm just so cute with my pink headband and my hands together
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grandparents & Ethan

The grandchildren at Ethan's 2nd Birthday

Crazy Saturday

The Powell's had a pretty crazy Saturday! Annabelle had her 3 month old pictures taken in the morning. We had our taxes done in the afternoon. We went to cousin Ethan's 2nd Birthday party in Mentor at 5:30 and then drove to the West Side of Cleveland to pick up Grandpa Powell from the airport and take him back to Green. We got home around 10pm and put Annabelle to bed. Around 10:30pm, Chaz (our dog) got sprayed by a skunk. Our house smells! Situations like this makes me miss living 1.7 miles away in the "City of Akron".

Rolling to the side

On March 2, Annabelle rolled to her side and then went back to her back side!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Update on Week 11

Annabelle is really taken off with her motor skills. She can sit up with support of one hand from an adult. She is batting hanging objects. Annabelle is rolling over from her back to her left or right side. Just today she came back from her side to her back. When she is on her tummy she can get her head up a few times before crying to mommy, "I'm done with tummy time!" She can bring her hands together.
Annabelle has a new bedtime of 8:30. Which I might be regretting because now she is getting up twice in the middle of the night. She's always only gotten up once to feed because she always had late night bedtimes (midnight, ten o'clock). The good new is she had her first six hour stretch! Now we just have to figure out how to make it consistent!
She was doing good falling asleep on her own, but the past two days she is starting to cry when I put her down. I'm puzzled by this. I've left the room, but came back within a few minutes to reassure her. Then I left the room and she usually falls asleep within the next 6-8 minutes of crying. I'm not sure how I feel because the books say don't let a baby cry herself to sleep until four months. I don't think 8-10 minutes total is a bad thing. However, I'm afraid it might get worst and then what???
I think the acid reflux is working well, but I'm not sure if it's a 100% effective. I started it on Friday. Here is the data
Saturday 0/8 difficult feedings
Sunday 1/8 difficult feedings
Monday & Tuesday 2/9 difficult feedings
Wed 4/9 difficult feedings
Thurs 2/8 difficult feedings.
Wednesday may contribute to being extreme gassiness? On Tuesday, I did eat mayo on my sandwich for lunch and dinner, so maybe that was too much dairy. I also had 2 frozen waffles which has egg product for breakfast that day too. Shame on mom! Who really knows. I will call the doctor today and see what they think. Maybe she might need a stronger dose?
Matt and I have another date night. We are going to watch the Kent/Akron basketball game. Annabelle is excited to spend time with Grandma Powell again! We hope Grandma and Grandpa Gilbride makes a safe trip home because they've been gone for over a month and we miss them a lot! Annabelle gets to go to her cousin's Ethan's second birthday on Saturday. She also has her 3 month old pictures.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Smiley Annabelle Again

I love to smile when mommy says certain things like "I love you" and "Happy Birthday"

Big Girl Bathtub

No more Frog Sponge. I'm a big girl in my big bathtub! I love sucking on the wet warm towel. Just like mommy did when she was little!

Rosie and Ilona

I like Aunt Rosie and Illona

Watching Elek

I like watching cousin Elek. He sang Itsy Bitsy Spider to me and even had props to go with his song!

Grandpa Powell

I am so lucky to hang out with Grandpa Powell. I even wore my airplane outfit for him