The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week 19

Annabelle did well adjusting back to Ohio. So far, she slept the entire night (8pm-6:45ish) for four nights straight. Hopefully she will keep it up! Truthfully, it makes mommy nervous that I'm sleeping that long. Every morning, Mom's paranoid that something happen to me in the middle of the night. Annabelle looks like she wants to roll over, but still can't really figure it out anymore. She is still cooing unstop especially after eating or in the car and it's hard for mommy to get a word in! Daddy is going white water rafting this weekend, so we hope he returns safely. It's mommy and daughter weekend!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Nature pictures

Daddy's nature pictures of our hikes
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Breaks Park Hiking

Daddy, Mommy, & I hiking in KY
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Great Grandma and Great Granddaughters

Annabelle, Great Grandma, and Maddie
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cousins in KY

Max, Maddie, and Annabelle at the Cabins
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Uncle Joe, Max, Annabelle, and Daddy
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On our way to KY

On my way to Kentucky to visit Great Grandma!
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Fun Visitors

Delaney and Cameron had fun playing with Annabelle and building forts
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Tongue action

She loves to move her tongue everywhere
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Week 18

Annabelle woke up in her crib happily at 5am and starting cooing to herself. Actually it was a delightful noise to hear in the morning (at least for now). She fell back asleep after a while. Annabelle went on her first trip this week to Kentucky to see her Great Grandma. She was great in the car as she traveled through 4 different states (OH, WV, VA and KY). We only had to make 2 stops for her and one stop for Daddy each way. It took us about 5 1/2 hours. Great Grandma was happy to see all her Great Grandchildren (Annabelle, Maddie, & Max). We had fun hiking in the park. Daddy took lots of cool pictures of flowers and birds. Annabelle is trying to figure out how to roll over again. She rolled over once this week so far. As she is trying to figure it she is looking like an inch worm trying to get her butt in the air and scooting around. She manage to scoot at least a foot off the mat. It was quite entertaining to watch! Annabelle got diapers and bubbles from the Easter Bunny. She got fun blocks and 2 cute outfits from her cousins and other cute dress from Grandma and Grandpa Powell!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 17

Annabelle has been cooing like crazy this week especially when she is laying on her back or while I'm trying to burp her on my shoulder. The doctor increased her Zantac medicine based on her weight at this week's appointment, so she is now taking 1oz in the morning and in the evening. Annabelle is realizing that mommy is gone for long periods of time during the day because she is very clinging to mom after work. She had a hard time falling asleep 3 times this week. It almost took her 20 minutes of crying to fall asleep. Is it because she's more aware of her surroundings or missing mom? At least tonight it only took a minute or two. I will try to post of video of her cooing, but it is hard to decide which video because the sound on my computer doesn't work. Daddy cut the grass for the first time this year. Mommy is excited to see all her sorority sisters at Founder's Day tomorrow!

More Goodyear Park photos

Matt faded out the background for this photo opt

Windy by the pond
Loving the walks with Annabelle

Goodyear Metro

This week was so nice that we went to Goodyear Metro twice this week. Matt worked on his photography while kept Annabelle as snugged and tight in the moby wrap

Godparents getting married again

Annabelle's soon to be Godparents, Matt & Rachel got married (again) but in the Catholic Church last Thursday night. Annabelle got to witness it!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I love to wear poke-a-dots

4 months bunny and chair

I'm trying to sit up by myself, but I usually tip over!

Poo Bear Jacket

Getting bundle up with my jacket for a walk

Happy 4 Months

Annabelle is 13 lbs and 15 oz which puts her at 30% for weight. She is 24 inches long which puts her again at the 30%. She is in the 10% for head circumference. She used her last size 1 diapers on Sunday. She was a screaming mess for her 4 month old check-up. I'm not really sure exactly what the doctor really said because her lungs were loud. It's not a good idea to schedule a check up during a nap, but I had no idea that was going to be her nap time when I schedule it at 2 months. She is cooing like crazy. She just has so much to say at 4 months. That is really cool for mommy to hear.
The places she's been
  • Doctor's office
  • Church
  • Friend's houses: Angerstien, Collin, Klusmann, Holtz, both Grandparents, Benedum
  • FCLC
  • Giant Eagle
  • Delanie's
  • Prestwick Country Club
What she likes
  • Tummy Time
  • Cooing
  • Blow Raspberries
  • Take naps
  • Airplane rides with Daddy
  • Red toy dog
  • Sucking on her fingers
  • Swaddle
  • Golf on TV
  • Looking around
  • Riding in the moby wrap for walks
What she dislikes
  • Rolling over (for whatever reason she stopped)
  • Sitting down at church
  • Sitting down at restaurants
What to work on
  • Stop spitting up! 5 bibs a day and 2 outfits for mom is too many!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week 16

Annabelle is constantly observing what is going on around her. She keeps herself so busy looking up down and all around! Her new skill is being able to turn her head from side to side while laying on her tummy. Now she is really staring at all the colors on her ocean play mat. Annabelle also got to be a witness of her Godparents, Matt & Rachel get married (again) in the Catholic Church. Annabelle is doing good at the sitters. Annabelle is into blowing raspberries again with mommy and her sitter. She is back to the lean to roll over; however she can't coordinate her legs anymore to make herself roll over. She just kicks her chubby legs but she doesn't go anywhere. One of these days she will get it again. Annabelle also dropped one of her naps this week. Now she is down to 3, which means her bedtime is now moved to 7:30. Mommy and Daddy's time with her is even more precious after work. Next Tuesday is her 4 month check up!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chaz cozy in bed

This is what my doggy does all day long now that he doesn't get as much attention. I just don't get how he could tuck himself in so well.

UK Game

Getting ready for the UK Game!

Final 4 UK

Fear Big Blue

Moby Wrap

All snuggled up in my moby wrap. I am usually in this for shopping trips and also at bedtime when we are over friend's houses.

Week 15 updates

Being a working mom, I am taking less and less pictures and have a hard time finding time to upload them on the computer now. Work is keeping me very busy which makes it a little easier being away from Annabelle. Annabelle went to her first bridal shower this past Sunday. She was also the queen of spit up this week! Annabelle decided she did not want to roll over anymore. She actually likes being on her stomach instead. Annabelle also got to meet Sammy who is her first friend that is younger than her!