The Powell's

The Powell's

Thursday, June 30, 2011

6 months 3 1/2 weeks

Annabelle is officially out of her swaddle blanket! She finally gave it up with ease right after we came home from Kentucky. She had a very hard time sleeping in the hotel room, so when we came back I decided to try the sleep sack. She was sleeping like a champ that very same night. We are trying to introduce the sippy cup. No such luck yet. At home, Annabelle is starting to cry when mommy leaves the room. She is frequently turning around to make sure mommy is near her when she plays. She's been very smiley and giggly this week. Annabelle tried her first stage 2 baby food for breakfast yesterday (apples & mangos & rice combo).

Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 months 3 weeks update

Watch out...Annabelle will try to grab your face while you hold her. She will let you hold her, but she will look for mommy! After a few minutes, she will reach for mommy to hold her again!

Return from KY

Happy to be home!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

6 month check up

Annabelle cried through the whole check up. She just wanted mommy to hold her the whole time. The good news is that she is in the 50% for everything. She is 16 pounds and 12 oz. She is 26 inches long and her head circumference is 42. The doctors did increase her acid reflux medicine to 1.5 ml. The doctor gave me the green light to eat dairy everyday! The doctor thinks the rash was just food or drool that was stuck under her chin. Annabelle took a nap on the car ride home and than was very playful after all the shots she got at the doctors. Annabelle can officially jump in her jumperoo as of 2 days ago. She was able to get her big toe in her mouth last night. She constantly tries to reach for her rinse cup in the bathtub that mommy is holding despite all the available cups around her in the water.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

6 months 1 week

She is officially sitting on her own! She looks so much like a big girl now! Her circle rash under her chin is back. Is it from carrots or just a sweat mark?? She is back to screaming when I put her down for bed. Does her reflex medicine need increase? Is it teething? Is it because mom is slowly reintroducing dairy into her diet? Is it because her poop is funky? Is it because she is harder to burp lately? Is it because she is spitting up like crazy lately? Is she starting to have separation anxiety? I don't think I will ever tweak out the answer. She was a grouchy pants all day on Saturday. Today on Father's Day she seems happier. Grandpa and her went on a fun hike this morning. She gets to have a fun day with Daddy when she wakes up from her nap. Annabelle is also transferring toys from each hand this week too!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

6 Months Update

Annabelle is turning into such a good baby that loves to look all around, explore toys with her hands & mouth, and can giggle a lot when playing. She is starting to produce some sounds like, "ga" and is so close to sitting on her own. She also had two overnight sleepovers with Grandpa and Grandma Gilbride and one night with Grandma Kathy. She easily opens her mouth for food. The food she likes best is rice cereal but she also eats oatmeal, green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, and prunes. She also meet a lot more extended family members this month. She finally sleeps through the night (7:45pm-7:00am)! She still needs her swaddle blanket even though mom barely swaddles her tight. She is so talkative during walks and after she eats. It's so cute to hear her babble non-stop during those moments.

happy 6 months

I'm so happy to be a 1/2
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6 months sitting....almost

I'm six months and I can sit for at least 2 minutes with the help of my boppy!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Arm strength

What do I do next?
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balance takes time

Trying to balance to sit on my own
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Peas are blah

Peas...not so much
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Hot Weather

I enjoy wearing all my sleeveless outfits with the hot May weather
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End of May Updates

Mommy and Daddy survived their weekend without me (Annabelle). They had a fun time in Columbus for a wedding and to celebrate their birthdays. Grandma & Grandpa Gilbride watched me the whole time. I got to meet lots of new relatives. I am able to sit on my own for 5-10 seconds, but it is still not long enough for mommy to capture this on camera. I learned that every time a drop toys from mommy lap it lands on the ground and eventually someone picks it up for me. My arms are getting so strong that I can lift my upper body up while laying on my stomach. My diet consists of rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, green beans, peas, and squash. The cereals and mommy's milk are still my favorite. Mommy thinks my gums are getting harder. In my jumperoo, I can sway side to side. Boy, is it fun!